Wednesday, October 15, 2014


     Today was my first day back at Camp Gladiator (CG). Last month, I got all psyched about getting in shape and made a ONE YEAR commitment...I'm not sure what I was thinking. I haven't stuck with a work out routine for that long since...I don't even know, maybe junior year of high school? I skipped work out Monday, and I felt guilty all day, that's never really happened to me before. Why now?
     I think it's because I'm moving out next month. You see, up until now, I have always been completely financially dependent on my parents. Unlike many young people, I did not get a job while in high school. Once in college, I only worked a few summers before getting a part time job as a tutor senior year. And even when I was working, that money was extra, just for fun, to pay club dues or what not. But starting next month, I'm completely responsible for me. Mom won't be putting $500 dollars in my account each month so I can pay rent, no more charging gas on my parents' credit card, no more gym membership.
     Next month, I go from feeling slightly adult-ish as I drive into downtown Dallas to being an independent adult, living free of parent control and assistance. Part of that means paying for that one year commitment to CG, $65 each month taken directly out of my account, so no backing out. That's why I felt guilty, cause it was my money. I'm not about to stop going if I have to keep paying. So from now till next October, three days a week I'll be getting up at 5 AM to run, sweat, and die each week.
     Once I do that, the hard part becomes not eating everything in sight. I swear if I don't have a six pack by the end of this, I want a refund. Especially if they're gonna tell me I can't eat ice cream.

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