Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines day..WAY overrated!

    I've only had a boyfriend once, I mean other than that kid I "dated" when I was 6. Matt A. and I dated for a month when I was 16. I broke up with him on my birthday, about three weeks before Valentines day. I've known him my whole life, and he is just way to much like my brother for us to have continued dating. However, since I broke up with him when I did, I still have yet to have a Valentine....except for my Dad who, without fail, buys me chocolate and a stuffed animal every year.
    The same was true for Sam as well, until this year. A few months ago, Sam was going on and on about how boys never really like her and if they do they are total she is what Paige (another college friend) and I call a pickle juggler. She has at least 4 or 5 guys interested in her, and 3 of them she likes as well. One of these guys is Matt T. (notice it is a different Matt than the one I dated), a guy I have known most of my life. So when Matt T. asked if I would help him surprise her I, of course, agreed like any good room mate would. I tricked her, I told her there was a lunar eclipse and we had to go watch, (fool believed me!) and got her to go out to the back gate. Matt was waiting like a creeper in the shadows and pulled out a card and a teddy bear, the card even had the check yes or no boxes. She of course said yes and they blushed and hugged while I took pictures like a good friend.
     So now Sam has a Valentine. Jessica, our other roommate, is dating this guy named Jamie. Which leaves me as the lone roomie with out a date for Valentines day...jokes on them I get to hang out with Ryan Reynolds, Channing Tatum, and Ryan Gosling all day while they hung out with Matt T. and Jamie, haha ya I win ;)

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