Sunday, February 12, 2012

Getting to Know Me

     Ok, so whenever I do blog, I will probably talk a lot about my friends and school, for the sake of their privacy I won't include last names, but I will tell you their first names. Hannah is my best friend, she's two years younger than me, so a senior in high school, and has stuck by me through my darkest days. Sam and Jessica are my roommates at school; they are both super awesome and the most fun people to live with. Kayla is my cousin, she's only one year younger than me, freshman, and attends another University in the same town as mine, she is playing volleyball there and decided to pledge this semester. I pledged a club last semester, Alpha Kai, I know I will sound like a silly sorority girl, but my sisters really are amazing, and I love them all so much! Alaina is a girl I pledged with that I have gotten really close to, we plan to live together next year.
     Now for my family, I will usually refer to my parents as Mom and Dad, maybe Daddy, but either way you don't really need to know their names. I have one older brother his name is Matt...oh dear I know a lot of people named Matt. Ok so my brother will always be either "Matt" or "my brother" any other Matt will include a last initial I guess...oh this is going to get confusing, haha. My mom's mom is the only grandparent that I am particularly close to; don't get me wrong I know and love all of my grandparents, but our bond is just special. Her name is Dody and she truly is my hero, I've never met anyone quite as amazing as she is.
     All right, time to play catch up on the stupid stuff: I'm a biology major, pre-med. I get some pretty funny reactions to that when I meet new people, stuff like "oh my gosh, no" or "God bless you" or "oh so you're smart." Those are the most common I think. I'm slightly (ok majorly) addicted to movies and chocolate...kinda explains why I don't have abs, lol, not that I'm fat, but I'm not in the best of shape.
      My room mate Sam just got home...her fish died last was actually a pretty funny story, I'll tell you some time. Oh and now she is flushing them down the toilet and saying some last words, "Bye Raider...bye little buddy...come on Blimey! Even in death you're annoying, here lies Blimey, she was an Albino which made her special." Oh Sam you always make me laugh :)
     I guess that's all for now I really should be working on that paper....if only I knew what to write!

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