Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Stars in the City

This past Sunday at church the gentleman teaching the Sunday School class I attended made a comment about how beautiful the stars are in the country, and then he said "They just don't have that in the city!"

I beg to differ.

I was raised in the suburbs. I love the suburbs. In fact, I will probably end up back there someday raising my own family. Someday most likely being a long time from now seeing as I am perpetually single, but that's not important right now. The point is I grew up in a suburb that also happened to be the highest point in Dallas County. Why, you ask, is that extremely random fact so important? Because since we were the highest point in the county we had all the radio and television towers in our town. At my last count I believe there were 14.

See all the red dots in the sky? Those are the towers.
Aren't they beautiful?
Well, they are to me. They're like my own personal lighthouse, showing me the way home. Like my own personal set of constellations.

I know that people love to marvel at the beauty of a country sky. And here in Texas we are oh so proud of our Texas sky. And I agree, there is nothing like it. My grandparents used to have a farm out in the middle of Nowhere, Texas, and you can't find a more beautiful piece of sky that displays God's handiwork more perfectly. But here's the thing:
We were made in His image.
He created us to be creators.
So we created our own version of His magnificent stars.

City Lights.

Some people prefer one over the other, and that is valid and fair. But personally I think they are all beautiful and I think they all show the greatness of our God. Not only did He create this magnificent universe and all the stars that make up our sky, but he created a being in His image that strives to be like Him.

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