Sunday, May 6, 2012


     Well, it's that time of year, the dreaded yet celebrated Finals Week.  I kicked off the week with a game of Sardines at a local park with some friends.  It was a blast until we got kicked out by the cops and were forced to move our game to campus...Still fun tho, everything is more fun after midnight :) Saturday I enjoyed my last true day of freedom before I was in hell, well hell is now here, so what am I doing? Procrastinating!
     It is essential that I get amazing grades on all of my finals; if I don't my GPA will drop and I won't get into Med School, which means I won't get to be a doctor, which I'm not ok with. But of course I still plan on procrastinating some, not because I want to, but because I can't concentrate so I have nothing else to do.
     I was lucky enough to only have 1 final everyday for 4 days, so I can just study for one at a time, but I still have to take them all, and my future is literally riding on the next four days.  If I can't be a doctor, I honestly don't know what I will do with my life...maybe I'll be a hobo....

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